About This Site
This site is running on OpenBSD running in OpenBSD.amsterdam.
- Web server: nginx
- Static site generator: Pelican
- Theme inspired by: HTML5 by Smashing Magazine
- Favicon: Generated at favicon.io:
- Background: Rounded
- Font Family: Annie Use Your Telescope
- Font Variant: Regular 400 Normal
- Font Size: 146
- Font Color: #000
- Background Color: #96BFE9
- RSS icon: included with Smashing Magazine's theme (modified the color)
- Github icon: included with Smashing Magazine's theme (modified the color)
- Instagram icon: downloaded from Facebook's Instagram Branding Site
- Gmail icon: downloaded from Google's Logos list
- Archives icon: downloaded from onlinewebfonts.com and modified the color
- Tags icon: downloaded from onlinewebfonts.com and modified the color